manifestation_id original_title title_alternative title_transcription statement_of_responsibility manifestation_identifier creator contributor publisher date_of_publication pub_date year_of_publication publication_place manifestation_created_at manifestation_updated_at carrier_type content_type frequency language isbn issn doi jpno ncid lccn iss_itemno volume_number volume_number_string edition edition_string issue_number issue_number_string serial_number extent start_page end_page dimensions height width depth manifestation_price access_address manifestation_required_role abstract description identifier:unknown identifier:nbn identifier:isbn10 identifier:iss_itemno identifier:online_isbn identifier:print_isbn identifier:print_issn identifier:online_issn identifier:escidoc identifier:nims series_statement_id series_statement_original_title series_statement_title_subseries series_statement_title_subseries_transcription series_statement_title_transcription series_statement_creator series_statement_volume_number series_statement_series_master series_statement_root_manifestation_id series_statement_manifestation_id series_statement_position series_statement_note series_statement_created_at series_statement_updated_at subject:ndlsh subject:unknown subject:bsh classification:ndc8 classification:ndc9 classification:udc item_id item_identifier binding_item_identifier call_number library shelf item_note accepted_at acquired_at item_created_at item_updated_at 116546 Influence of the solution volume on the growth of C60 nanowhiskers Miyazawa, Kun’ichi//Hirata, Chika//Wakahara, Takatsugu "" "" 2014-08-10 00:00:00 +0900 2014-08-10 2014 2018-06-28 19:27:34 +0900 2021-10-05 16:50:18 +0900 volume text unknown unknown "" "" 68 72 Guest "The lengths and diameters of C60 nanowhiskers(C60NWs) grown in solutions were investigated relative to the inner diameter of the glass bottle and the solution volume while maintaining the volumetric ratio of C60-saturated toluene and isopropyl alcohol at 1:1. The mean lengths and diameters of the C60NWs increased, and the distribution of the lengths and diameters broadened when increasing the solution volume. The mean crystal nucleus size of the C60NWs was determined by an alyzing the size dependence of C60NWs on the solution volume. The lengths and diameters of C60NWs asymptotically approach their upper limits when increasing the solution volume." "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "A1. LLIP method A1. Growth control B1. C60 nanowhisker B1. Fullerene nanowhisker//A1. LLIP method A1. Growth control B1. C60 nanowhisker B1. Fullerene nanowhisker" "" "" "" ""