manifestation_id original_title title_alternative title_transcription statement_of_responsibility manifestation_identifier creator contributor publisher date_of_publication pub_date year_of_publication publication_place manifestation_created_at manifestation_updated_at carrier_type content_type frequency language isbn issn doi jpno ncid lccn iss_itemno volume_number volume_number_string edition edition_string issue_number issue_number_string serial_number extent start_page end_page dimensions height width depth manifestation_price access_address manifestation_required_role abstract description identifier:unknown identifier:nbn identifier:isbn10 identifier:iss_itemno identifier:online_isbn identifier:print_isbn identifier:print_issn identifier:online_issn identifier:escidoc identifier:nims series_statement_id series_statement_original_title series_statement_title_subseries series_statement_title_subseries_transcription series_statement_title_transcription series_statement_creator series_statement_volume_number series_statement_series_master series_statement_root_manifestation_id series_statement_manifestation_id series_statement_position series_statement_note series_statement_created_at series_statement_updated_at subject:ndlsh subject:unknown subject:bsh classification:ndc8 classification:ndc9 classification:udc item_id item_identifier binding_item_identifier call_number library shelf item_note accepted_at acquired_at item_created_at item_updated_at 105475 Everything SAXS: Small-angle scattering pattern collection and correction "" "" "" 2015-12-15 21:32:23 +0900 2021-10-05 16:39:40 +0900 online_resource text unknown unknown "" "" Guest " For obtaining reliable nanostructural details of large amounts of sample --- and if it is applicable --- Small-Angle Scattering (SAS) is a prime technique to use. It promises to obtain bulk-scale, statistically sound information on the morphological details of the nanostructure, and has thus led to many a researcher investing their time in it over the last eight decades of development. Due to pressure both from scientists requesting more details on increasingly complex nanostructures, as well as the ever improving instrumentation leaving less margin for ambiguity, small-angle scattering methodologies have been evolving at a high pace over the last few decades. As the quality of any results can only be as good as the data that goes into these methodologies, the improvements in data collection and all imaginable data correction steps are reviewed here. This work is intended to provide a comprehensive overview of all data corrections, to aid the small-angle scatterer to decide which are relevant for their measurement and how these corrections are performed. Clear mathematical descriptions of the corrections are provided where feasible. Furthermore, as no quality data exists without a decent estimate of its precision, the error estimation and propagation through all these steps is provided alongside the corrections. With these data corrections, the collected small-angle scattering pattern can be made of the highest standard allowing for authoritative nanostructural characterisation through its analysis. A brief background of small-angle scattering, the instrumentation developments over the years, and pitfalls that may be encountered upon data interpretations are provided as well. " "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" Condensed Matter//Materials Science//cond-mat.mtrl-sci//Physics//Data Analysis//Statistics and Probability// and Detectors//physics.ins-det//Condensed Matter//Materials Science//cond-mat.mtrl-sci//Physics//Data Analysis//Statistics and Probability// and Detectors//physics.ins-det//Condensed Matter//Materials Science//cond-mat.mtrl-sci//Physics//Data Analysis//Statistics and Probability// and Detectors//physics.ins-det//Condensed Matter//Materials Science//cond-mat.mtrl-sci//Physics//Data Analysis//Statistics and Probability// and Detectors//physics.ins-det "" "" "" "" 105470 Everything SAXS: Small-angle scattering pattern collection and correction "" "" "" 2015-12-15 21:32:16 +0900 2021-10-05 16:51:18 +0900 online_resource text unknown unknown "" "" Guest " For obtaining reliable nanostructural details of large amounts of sample --- and if it is applicable --- Small-Angle Scattering (SAS) is a prime technique to use. It promises to obtain bulk-scale, statistically sound information on the morphological details of the nanostructure, and has thus led to many a researcher investing their time in it over the last eight decades of development. Due to pressure both from scientists requesting more details on increasingly complex nanostructures, as well as the ever improving instrumentation leaving less margin for ambiguity, small-angle scattering methodologies have been evolving at a high pace over the last few decades. As the quality of any results can only be as good as the data that goes into these methodologies, the improvements in data collection and all imaginable data correction steps are reviewed here. This work is intended to provide a comprehensive overview of all data corrections, to aid the small-angle scatterer to decide which are relevant for their measurement and how these corrections are performed. Clear mathematical descriptions of the corrections are provided where feasible. Furthermore, as no quality data exists without a decent estimate of its precision, the error estimation and propagation through all these steps is provided alongside the corrections. With these data corrections, the collected small-angle scattering pattern can be made of the highest standard allowing for authoritative nanostructural characterisation through its analysis. A brief background of small-angle scattering, the instrumentation developments over the years, and pitfalls that may be encountered upon data interpretations are provided as well. " "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" Condensed Matter//Materials Science//cond-mat.mtrl-sci//Physics//Data Analysis//Statistics and Probability// and Detectors//physics.ins-det//Condensed Matter//Materials Science//cond-mat.mtrl-sci//Physics//Data Analysis//Statistics and Probability// and Detectors//physics.ins-det//Condensed Matter//Materials Science//cond-mat.mtrl-sci//Physics//Data Analysis//Statistics and Probability// and Detectors//physics.ins-det//Condensed Matter//Materials Science//cond-mat.mtrl-sci//Physics//Data Analysis//Statistics and Probability// and Detectors//physics.ins-det "" "" "" "" 105467 Everything SAXS: Small-angle scattering pattern collection and correction "" "" "" 2015-12-15 21:32:11 +0900 2021-10-05 16:54:30 +0900 online_resource text unknown unknown "" "" Guest " For obtaining reliable nanostructural details of large amounts of sample --- and if it is applicable --- Small-Angle Scattering (SAS) is a prime technique to use. It promises to obtain bulk-scale, statistically sound information on the morphological details of the nanostructure, and has thus led to many a researcher investing their time in it over the last eight decades of development. Due to pressure both from scientists requesting more details on increasingly complex nanostructures, as well as the ever improving instrumentation leaving less margin for ambiguity, small-angle scattering methodologies have been evolving at a high pace over the last few decades. As the quality of any results can only be as good as the data that goes into these methodologies, the improvements in data collection and all imaginable data correction steps are reviewed here. This work is intended to provide a comprehensive overview of all data corrections, to aid the small-angle scatterer to decide which are relevant for their measurement and how these corrections are performed. Clear mathematical descriptions of the corrections are provided where feasible. Furthermore, as no quality data exists without a decent estimate of its precision, the error estimation and propagation through all these steps is provided alongside the corrections. With these data corrections, the collected small-angle scattering pattern can be made of the highest standard allowing for authoritative nanostructural characterisation through its analysis. A brief background of small-angle scattering, the instrumentation developments over the years, and pitfalls that may be encountered upon data interpretations are provided as well. " "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" Condensed Matter//Materials Science//cond-mat.mtrl-sci//Physics//Data Analysis//Statistics and Probability// and Detectors//physics.ins-det//Condensed Matter//Materials Science//cond-mat.mtrl-sci//Physics//Data Analysis//Statistics and Probability// and Detectors//physics.ins-det//Condensed Matter//Materials Science//cond-mat.mtrl-sci//Physics//Data Analysis//Statistics and Probability// and Detectors//physics.ins-det//Condensed Matter//Materials Science//cond-mat.mtrl-sci//Physics//Data Analysis//Statistics and Probability// and Detectors//physics.ins-det "" "" "" "" 105465 "Everything SAXS: Small-angle scattering pattern collection and correction" "" "" "" 2015-12-15 21:32:09 +0900 2021-10-05 16:53:28 +0900 online_resource text unknown unknown "" "" Guest " For obtaining reliable nanostructural details of large amounts of sample --- and if it is applicable --- Small-Angle Scattering (SAS) is a prime technique to use. It promises to obtain bulk-scale, statistically sound information on the morphological details of the nanostructure, and has thus led to many a researcher investing their time in it over the last eight decades of development. Due to pressure both from scientists requesting more details on increasingly complex nanostructures, as well as the ever improving instrumentation leaving less margin for ambiguity, small-angle scattering methodologies have been evolving at a high pace over the last few decades. As the quality of any results can only be as good as the data that goes into these methodologies, the improvements in data collection and all imaginable data correction steps are reviewed here. This work is intended to provide a comprehensive overview of all data corrections, to aid the small-angle scatterer to decide which are relevant for their measurement and how these corrections are performed. Clear mathematical descriptions of the corrections are provided where feasible. Furthermore, as no quality data exists without a decent estimate of its precision, the error estimation and propagation through all these steps is provided alongside the corrections. With these data corrections, the collected small-angle scattering pattern can be made of the highest standard allowing for authoritative nanostructural characterisation through its analysis. A brief background of small-angle scattering, the instrumentation developments over the years, and pitfalls that may be encountered upon data interpretations are provided as well. " "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" Condensed Matter//Materials Science//cond-mat.mtrl-sci//Physics//Data Analysis//Statistics and Probability// and Detectors//physics.ins-det//Condensed Matter//Materials Science//cond-mat.mtrl-sci//Physics//Data Analysis//Statistics and Probability// and Detectors//physics.ins-det//Condensed Matter//Materials Science//cond-mat.mtrl-sci//Physics//Data Analysis//Statistics and Probability// and Detectors//physics.ins-det//Condensed Matter//Materials Science//cond-mat.mtrl-sci//Physics//Data Analysis//Statistics and Probability// and Detectors//physics.ins-det "" "" "" "" 104037 Everything SAXS: Small-angle scattering pattern collection and correction "" "" "" 2015-05-28 18:09:45 +0900 2021-10-05 16:53:23 +0900 online_resource text unknown unknown "" "" Guest " For obtaining reliable nanostructural details of large amounts of sample --- and if it is applicable --- Small-Angle Scattering (SAS) is a prime technique to use. It promises to obtain bulk-scale, statistically sound information on the morphological details of the nanostructure, and has thus led to many a researcher investing their time in it over the last eight decades of development. Due to pressure both from scientists requesting more details on increasingly complex nanostructures, as well as the ever improving instrumentation leaving less margin for ambiguity, small-angle scattering methodologies have been evolving at a high pace over the last few decades. As the quality of any results can only be as good as the data that goes into these methodologies, the improvements in data collection and all imaginable data correction steps are reviewed here. This work is intended to provide a comprehensive overview of all data corrections, to aid the small-angle scatterer to decide which are relevant for their measurement and how these corrections are performed. Clear mathematical descriptions of the corrections are provided where feasible. Furthermore, as no quality data exists without a decent estimate of its precision, the error estimation and propagation through all these steps is provided alongside the corrections. With these data corrections, the collected small-angle scattering pattern can be made of the highest standard allowing for authoritative nanostructural characterisation through its analysis. A brief background of small-angle scattering, the instrumentation developments over the years, and pitfalls that may be encountered upon data interpretations are provided as well. " "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" Condensed Matter//Materials Science//cond-mat.mtrl-sci//Physics//Data Analysis//Statistics and Probability// and Detectors//physics.ins-det//Condensed Matter//Materials Science//cond-mat.mtrl-sci//Physics//Data Analysis//Statistics and Probability// and Detectors//physics.ins-det//Condensed Matter//Materials Science//cond-mat.mtrl-sci//Physics//Data Analysis//Statistics and Probability// and Detectors//physics.ins-det//Condensed Matter//Materials Science//cond-mat.mtrl-sci//Physics//Data Analysis//Statistics and Probability// and Detectors//physics.ins-det "" "" "" ""