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[M] Influence of the solution volume on the growth of C60 nanowhiskers 冊子体

著者: (出版日: 2014-08-10)
https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11932/1850178 Web

コレクション: NIMS成果物
形態: 冊子体 冊子体
言語: 不明
ページ数と大きさ: 5 p. (68 - 72)
識別子: Handle URI: https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11932/1850178

The lengths and diameters of C60 nanowhiskers(C60NWs) grown in solutions were investigated relative
to the inner diameter of the glass bottle and the solution volume while maintaining the volumetric ratio
of C60-saturated toluene and isopropyl alcohol at 1:1. The mean lengths and diameters of the C60NWs
increased, and the distribution of the lengths and diameters broadened when increasing the solution
volume. The mean crystal nucleus size of the C60NWs was determined by an alyzing the size dependence
of C60NWs on the solution volume. The lengths and diameters of C60NWs asymptotically approach their
upper limits when increasing the solution volume.
