

67 件の資料が 103857 件の資料から 0.014 秒で見つかりました。

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11 Subphase pH Dependence of Nanocluster Size in (Fluorocarbon Carboxylic Acid/Hydrocarbon Guanidinium) Mixed Monolayer. オンラインリソース
12 FZ crystal growth of monochromator-grade YB66 single crystals as guided by topographic and double-crystal diffraction characterization オンラインリソース
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13 Regulation of b-Sheet Structures within Amyloid-Like b-Sheet Assemblage from Tripeptide Derivatives. オンラインリソース
14 Molecular dynamics simulation of water between hydrophobic surfaces. Implication for the long-range hydrophobic force. オンラインリソース
15 Molecular Recognition at Air-Water and Related Interfaces: Complementary Hydrogen Bonding and Multisite Interaction. オンラインリソース
16 Ultrathin films of charged polysaccharides assembled alternately with linear polyions. オンラインリソース
17 AFM observation of a supramolecular rod-like structure of bilayer membrane formed from tripeptide-containing amphiphiles. オンラインリソース
18 A QCM study on adsorption of macrocyclic sugar-cluster to variously-functionalized monolayers. オンラインリソース
19 Characterization of Polyelectrolyte-Protein Multilayer Films by Atomic Force Microscopy, Scanning Electron Microscopy, and Fourier Transform Infrared Reflection-Absorption Spectroscopy. オンラインリソース
20 Molecular Recognition between 2,4,6-Triaminopyrimidine Lipid Monolayers and Complementary Barbituric Molecules at the Air/Water Interface: Effects of Hydrophilic Spacer, Ionic Strength, and pH. オンラインリソース
