

67 件の資料が 103857 件の資料から 0.028 秒で見つかりました。

次の項目で並べ替える: 新着図書優先 出版日優先 タイトル

1 Ultrathin films of inorganic materials (SiO2 nanoparticle, montmorillonite microplate, and molybdenum oxide) prepared by alternate layer-by-layer assembly with organic polyions. オンラインリソース
2 A careful examination of the adsorption step in the alternate layer-by-layer assembly of linear polyanion and polycation. オンラインリソース
3 Multisite Recognition of Aqueous Dipeptides by Oligoglycine Arrays Mixed with Guanidinium and Other Receptor Units at the Air-Water Interface. オンラインリソース
4 Subphase pH Dependence of Nanocluster Size in (Fluorocarbon Carboxylic Acid/Hydrocarbon Guanidinium) Mixed Monolayer. オンラインリソース
5 An artificial signal transduction system. Control of lactate dehydrogenase activity performed by an artificial cell-surface receptor. オンラインリソース
6 Signal transduction mediated by artificial cell-surface receptors: activation of lactate dehydrogenase triggered by molecular recognition and phase reorganization of bile acid derivatives embedded in a synthetic bilayer membrane. オンラインリソース
7 Activity and stability of glucose oxidase in molecular films assembled alternately with polyions. オンラインリソース
8 "Heptopus", a Novel Class of Amphiphiles with Seven Alkyl Chains. Synthesis and Monolayer Property. オンラインリソース
9 静電相互作用の利用:交互積層法―ピンセットとビーカーによるナノ多層膜の作成― オンラインリソース
10 Formation of mesoscopic patterns with molecular-level flatness by simple casting of chloroform solutions of tripeptide-containing amphiphiles. オンラインリソース
