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1340 records found from 103562 records in 0.048 seconds.
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1 Materials Science Forum Serial Volume
ISSN: 16629752 02555476
Holding information: -
2 Applied Physics Serial Volume
ISSN: 03403793
Holding information: 【千現】<年次:1974-1981>Vol.3-25 【並木】<年次:1973-1981>Vol.1-25
3 IEEE Transactions on Magnetics Serial Volume
ISSN: 00189464
Holding information: 【千現】<年次:1971-2009>Vol.7-30,36-45 【並木】<年次:1974-1982>Vol.10-18 【桜】 <年次:1974-2008>Vol.10-25,31-35,37-44
4 Progress of Theoretical Physics Supplement Serial Volume
ISSN: 03759687
Holding information: <千現><並木>
5 金属 Serial Volume
ISSN: 03686337
Holding information: 【千現】<年次:1954-2023>Vol.24-26,27(5,7-12),28(1-4,6-12),29-30,31(1-8,11-24),32(1-20,22-24),33-34,35(1-8,10-16,18-24),36(1-19,21-24),37(2-14,17-23),38(1-19,21-24),39(1-4,6-24),40-58,59(3-4,7-12),60-72,73(1-6,8-12),74(1,3-12),75-93,94(1-4)+ 【並木】<年次:1942-2023>Vol.12(1-2),30(3),31(1),39(1),44(2),58(4),59(3),61,65-70,71(10),72-84,88(8-12),89(1-3),90(1-7,9-12),92-93,94(1-4)+
6 日経サイエンス Serial Volume
Holding information: vol.20-21,23-40,41(1-3)<並木>vol.25-29,30(2-12),31(1-11),32(2-12),33-40,41(1-3)<桜>
7 European Journal of Organic Chemistry Serial Volume
ISSN: 1434193X
Holding information: 【並木】<年次:2004-2007>Vol.2004-2007
8 Journal of Polymer Science Part A Serial Volume
Holding information:
9 Journal of Polymer Science Part B Serial Volume
Holding information:
10 Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A Serial Volume
ISSN: 15493296
Holding information: Vol.104-105<並木>

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