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1 Rare earths : extraction preparation and applications : proceedings of a symposium on Rare Earths, Extraction, Preparation and Applications sponsored by the TMS Reactive Metals Committee, held at the TMS Annual Meeting in Las Vegas, Nevada, February 27-March 2, 1989 冊子体
所蔵情報ID 図書館 本棚 請求記号 貸出状態
204389 千現 単行書15 画像 669.85|R|8770 在架(利用可能)
2 Refractory Metals : extraction, processing and applications : proceedings of a symposium sponsored by the Reactive Metals Committee, held at the Annual Meeting of The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society in New Orleans, February 17-21, 1991 冊子体
所蔵情報ID 図書館 本棚 請求記号 貸出状態
216367 千現 単行書13 画像 669|L| 在架(利用可能)
3 Rare earths and actinides : science, technology and applications IV : proceedings of a symposium : sponsored by the Light Metals Division of the Minerals, Metals & Materials Society (TMS), held during the 2000 TMS Annual Meeting in Nashville, Tennessee, March 12-16, 2000 冊子体
所蔵情報ID 図書館 本棚 請求記号 貸出状態
218948 千現 単行書8 画像 546.65|B|11519 在架(利用可能)