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728 records found from 103568 records in 0.038 seconds.
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461 Journal of the European Ceramic Society Serial Volume
ISSN: 09552219
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462 Materials Transactions JIM Serial Volume
ISSN: 09161821
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463 Journal of physics. Condensed matter Serial Volume
ISSN: 1361648X 09538984
Holding information: Vol.1-4,5(1-11,13-50)<千現> Vol.1-21<並木> Vol.1-13<桜>
464 Zeitschrift fur Physik B : Condensed Matter Serial Volume
ISSN: 07223277
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465 Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B Serial Volume
ISSN: 0734211X
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466 Japanese Journal of Applied Physics Part1 Serial Volume
ISSN: 00214922
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467 Physica Status Solidi : Subject and Author Index Serial Volume
ISSN: 00318965
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468 Applied Physics B Serial Volume
ISSN: 09462171
Holding information: 【千現】<年次:1994-2007>Vol.58-89 【並木】<年次:1994-1995>Vol.58-61
469 Powder Metallurgy International Serial Volume
ISSN: 00485012
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470 Philosophical Magazine B Serial Volume
ISSN: 13642812 01418637
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