

61 件の資料が 103569 件の資料から 0.013 秒で見つかりました。

次の項目で並べ替える: 新着図書優先 出版日優先 タイトル

31 Multi-site binding of aqueous dipeptides by mixed monolayers at the air-water interface. オンラインリソース
32 A theoretical interpretation of remarkable enhancement of intermolecular binding at the lipid-water interface. オンラインリソース
33 Molecular Recognition of Aqueous Dipeptides by Noncovalently Aligned Oligoglycine Units at the Air/Water Interface. オンラインリソース
34 Sequential reaction and product separation on molecular films of glucoamylase and glucose oxidase assembled on an ultrafilter. オンラインリソース
35 Control of the molecular packing in guanidinium monolayers through binding with aqueous polycarboxylates. オンラインリソース
36 Molecularly flat films of linear polyions and proteins obtained by the alternate adsorption method. オンラインリソース
37 Molecular film assembly via layer-by-layer adsorption of oppositely charged macromolecules (linear polymer, protein and clay) and concanavalin A and glycogen. オンラインリソース
38 Sequential actions of glucose oxidase and peroxidase in molecular films assembled by layer-by-layer alternate adsorption. オンラインリソース
39 Alternate Ass embly of Ordered Multilayers of SiO2 and Other Nanoparticles and Polyions. オンラインリソース
40 Formation of Ultrathin Multilayer and Hydrated Gel from Montmorillonite and Linear Polycations. オンラインリソース
