

67 件の資料が 103857 件の資料から 0.026 秒で見つかりました。

次の項目で並べ替える: 新着図書優先 出版日優先 タイトル優先

1 "Heptopus", a Novel Class of Amphiphiles with Seven Alkyl Chains. Synthesis and Monolayer Property. オンラインリソース
2 A QCM study on adsorption of macrocyclic sugar-cluster to variously-functionalized monolayers. オンラインリソース
3 A careful examination of the adsorption step in the alternate layer-by-layer assembly of linear polyanion and polycation. オンラインリソース
4 A theoretical interpretation of remarkable enhancement of intermolecular binding at the lipid-water interface. オンラインリソース
5 AFM observation of a supramolecular rod-like structure of bilayer membrane formed from tripeptide-containing amphiphiles. オンラインリソース
6 Activity and stability of glucose oxidase in molecular films assembled alternately with polyions. オンラインリソース
7 Alternate Ass embly of Ordered Multilayers of SiO2 and Other Nanoparticles and Polyions. オンラインリソース
8 Alternate layer-by-layer assembly of organic dyes and proteins is facilitated by pre-mixing with linear polyions. オンラインリソース
9 Alternately assembled ultrathin film of silica nanoparticles and linear polycations. オンラインリソース
10 An artificial signal transduction system. Control of lactate dehydrogenase activity performed by an artificial cell-surface receptor. オンラインリソース
