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11 Aerosol-assisted Rapid Fabrication of Well-dispersed and Highly Doped Titanium-containing Mesoporous Silica Microspheres オンラインリソース
12 Magnetically Induced Orientation of Mesochannels in Mesoporous Silica Films at 30 Tesla オンラインリソース
13 Exploration of a Standing Mesochannel System with Antimatter/Matter Atomic Probes オンラインリソース
14 Evolution of Standing Mesochannels on Porous Anodic Alumina Substrates with Designed Conical Holes オンラインリソース
15 Self-Assembly of Amphiphilic Alkyloligosiloxanes within Cylindrically and Spherically Confined Spaces オンラインリソース
16 Mesoporous Platinum with Giant Mesocages Templated from Lyotropic Liquid Crystals Consisting of Diblock Copolymers オンラインリソース
17 Fabrication of mesoporous Pt nanotubes utilizing dual templates under a reduced pressure condition オンラインリソース
18 Aerosol-assisted synthesis of mesoporous organosilica microspheres with controlled organic contents オンラインリソース
19 Vapor Infiltration of a Reducing Agent for Facile Synthesis of Mesoporous Pt and Pt-Based Alloys and Its Application for the Preparation of Mesoporous Pt Microrods in Anodic Porous Membranes オンラインリソース
20 Fabrication of Hierarchically Porous Spherical Particles by Assembling Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticles via Spray Drying オンラインリソース
