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次の項目で並べ替える: 新着図書優先 出版日優先 タイトル

1 Aerosol-assisted synthesis of mesoporous organosilica microspheres with controlled organic contents オンラインリソース
2 Industrial mass-production of mesoporous silica spherical particles by a spray-drying process: investigation of synthetic conditions オンラインリソース
3 Generation of Electron Moir Fringes on Designed Nanoporous Anodic Alumina Films and Their Replicated Ni Cone Arrays: Exploration of Domain Sizes and Nanopore Arrangements オンラインリソース
4 Oriented Growth of Small Mesochannels Utilizing a Porous Anodic Alumina Substrate: Preparation of Continuous Film with Standing Mesochannels オンラインリソース
5 Fabrication of Hierarchically Porous Spherical Particles by Assembling Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticles via Spray Drying オンラインリソース
6 Evolution of Standing Mesochannels on Porous Anodic Alumina Substrates with Designed Conical Holes オンラインリソース
7 Spherical Mesoporous Silica Particles with Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticles by an Aerosol-assisted Coassembly オンラインリソース
8 Pt Fibers with Stacked Donut-Like Mesospace by Assembling Pt Nanoparticles: Guided Deposition in Physically Confined Self-Assembly of Surfactants オンラインリソース
