123 件の資料が 103857 件の資料から 0.040 秒で見つかりました。
21 |
Solid-State Synthesis of Magnesium-Based Functional Alloys and Compounds 56
22 |
Nanocomposite Coatings and Nanocomposite Materials 54-55
23 |
A Study of Ion Cluster Theory of Molten Silicates and Some Inorganic Substances 52-53
24 |
Advanced Techniques for Materials Characterization 49-51
25 |
Fundamentals of Deformation and Annealing
ISSN: 02555476
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26 |
Superplasticity in Advanced Materials : ICSAM 2006
ISSN: 02555476
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27 |
Eco-Materials Processing and Design
ISSN: 02555476
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28 |
Thermec 2006 : Supplement to THERMEC 2006
ISSN: 02555476
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29 |
Data Compilation Diffusion in Non-Ferrous Alloys
ISSN: 10120386
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30 |
Advanced Materials Forum
ISSN: 02555476
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