

5 件の資料が 103570 件の資料から 0.055 秒で見つかりました。

次の項目で並べ替える: 新着図書優先 出版日優先 タイトル

1 Mechanical behavior of Materials: Proceedings of the International Conference on Mechanical Behavior of Materials: Kyoto, August 15-20, 1971 Vol.2 Fatigue of Metals 冊子体
2 Mechanical Behavior of Materials : Proceedings of the International Conference on Mechanical Behavior of Materials : Kyoto, August 15-20, 1971 Vol.1 Deformation and Fracture of Metals 冊子体
3 Mechanical behavior of Materials: Proceedings of the International Conference on Mechanical Behavior of Materials: Kyoto, August 15-20, 1971 Special Volume:Commemoration Number of the 1971 Kyoto ICM 冊子体
4 Fundamental Aspects of Radiation Damage in Metals Vol.I : Proceedings of an International Conference held at Gatlinburg Tennessee, U.S.A., October 6-10, 1975 Vol.1 冊子体
所蔵情報ID 図書館 本棚 請求記号 貸出状態
125676 集密書庫 |F|T-1248 在架(利用可能)
5 Fundamental Aspects of Radiation Damage in Metals Vol.II : Proceedings of an International Conference held at Gatlinburg Tennessee, U.S.A., October 6-10, 1975 Vol.2 冊子体
所蔵情報ID 図書館 本棚 請求記号 貸出状態
125675 集密書庫 |F|T-1249 在架(利用可能)