[M] Oxoporphyrinogens: From Redox and Spectroscopic Probe for Anion Sensing to a Platform for Construction of Supramolecular Donor-Acceptor Conjugates
著者: Ariga Katsuhiko D'Souza Francis Schumacher Amy L Hill Jonathan P Karr Paul A Zandler Melvin E Xie Yongshu Sandanayaka Atula S. D Araki Yasuyuki Ito Osamu
(出版日: 2008-05-23)
コレクション: | NIMS成果物 |
形態: | オンラインリソース |
言語: | 不明 |
ページ数と大きさ: | 10 p. (127 - 136) |
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識別子: | Handle URI: https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11932/124522 |
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