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[M] Gmelin handbook of inorganic chemistry Formula index. 1st suppl. v. 1 : gw 冊子体

prepared and issued by Gmelin-Institut für Anorganische Chemie der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Wissenschaften ; director, Ekkehard Fluck ; authors, Marie-Louise Gerwien ... [et al.] ; chief editor, Rudolf Warncke//founded by Leopold Gmelin ; 8th edition begun under the auspices of the Deutsche Chemische Gesellschaft by R.J. Meyer ; continued by E.H.E. Pietsch and A. Kotowski, and by Margot Becke-Goehring
著者: 出版者: Springer-Verlag

代替タイトル: Gmelins Handbuch der anorganischen Chemie//Gmelin Handbuch der anorganischen Chemie//Gmelin handbook of inorganic and organometallic chemistry
版: 8th ed. = 8., völlig neu bearbeitete Aufl.
巻号: 巻: Formula index. 1st suppl. v. 1 : gw
形態: 冊子体 冊子体
言語: English
ページ数と大きさ: 1 v. ; 26 cm
識別子: ISBN: 9783540934813


Formula index 3rd supplementからは//Continues: Gmelins Handbuch der anorganischen Chemie //Formula index, 1st suppl. v. 1. Ac-Au -- v. 2. B-B[1.9] -- v. 3. B[2]-B[100] -- v. 4. Ba-C[7] -- v. 5. C[8]-C[17] -- v. 6. C[18]-C[X] -- v. 7. Ca-I -- v. 8. In-Zr, elements 104 to 120//Formula index, 2nd suppl. v. 1. Ac-B[1.9] -- v. 2. B[2]-Br[x]-- v. 3. C-C[6.9] -- v. 4. C[7]-C[11.4] -- v. 5. C[12]-C[16.5]-- v. 6. C[17]-C[22.5] -- v. 7. C[23]-C[32.5] -- v. 8. C[33]-Cf -- v. 9. Cl-Ho -- v. 10. I-Zr//B[1.9], B[2], B[100], Br[x], C[6.9], C[7], C[8], C[11.4], C[12], C[16.5], C[17], C[18], C[22.5], C[23], C[32.5], C[33], C[X]は下付文字//1st suppl.: authors, Marie-Louise Gerwien ... [et al.] ; chief editor, Rudolf Warncke, 2nd suppl.: authors, Rainer Bohrer ... [et al.] ; system support, Gottfried Olbrich ; chief editor, Helga Hartwig//"The Gmelin Formula index published between 1975 and 1980 coverd all volumes of the eighth edition ... "--Foreword of 1st suppl. v. 1

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