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[M] Encyclopedia of applied physics v. 17 : U.S 冊子体

edited by George L. Trigg ; associate editors, Eduardo S. Vera, Walter Greulich ; managing editor, Edmund H. Immergut
著者: 協力者・編者: edited by George L. Trigg 出版者: VCH Publishers

巻号: 巻: v. 17 : U.S
形態: 冊子体 冊子体
言語: English
ページ数と大きさ: 1 v. ; 26 cm
識別子: ISBN: 9781560810766


V. 1. Accelerators, linear to Analytic methods -- v. 2. Artificial intelligence to Bus systems and computer interfacing -- v. 3. Clibration and maintenance of test and measuring equipment to Collective phenomena in solids -- v. 4. Combustion to Diamagnetism -- v. 5. Diamond and diamonlike carbon to Electron structure of solids -- v. 6. Electron circuits to Fusion, magnetic confinement//V. 7. Fusion technologies to Imaging techniques, biomedical -- v. 8. Inductors to Magnetic devices -- v. 9. Magnetic materials to Mechanical vibration and damping -- v. 10. Mechanics, classical to Monte Carlo methods -- v. 11. Mössbauer effect to Nuclear structure -- v. 12. Nuclear waste measurement to Optics, underwater -- v. 13. Order-disorder transition to Physics and engineering organizations//V. 14. Physics and technology of ion and electron sources to Positron-annihilation spectroscopy -- v. 15. Power electronics to Raman scattering -- v. 16. Raman spectroscopy instrumentation to Schotty barriers -- v. 17. Scientific computing by numerical methods to Separation processes -- v. 18. Servo and control devices to Sonic noise -- v. 19. Sololuminescence to Steel -- v. 20. Stirling engines to Test equipment, electrical -- v. 21. Testing equipment - mechanical to Topological phase effects//V. 22. Topology to Underwater and atmospheric acoustic signal processing-- v. 23. Unified Field Theories to Zeeman and Stark Effects//Includes bibliographical references and index

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