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Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals
ISSN: 09751645 09722815
所蔵情報: |
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Proceedings of First JIM International Symposium on New Aspects of Martensitic Transformation, Kobe, May 10-12 1976
JIM International Symposium on New Aspects of Martensitic Transformation 日本金属学会
JIM International Symposium on New Aspects of Martensitic Transformation,日本金属学会
Japan Institute of Metals
UDC: 669.017
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Metal Science Journal
ISSN: 00260681
所蔵情報: |
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International Metals Reviews
ISSN: 03084590
所蔵情報: |
5 |
British Corrosion Journal
ISSN: 00070599
所蔵情報: 【千現】<年次:1972-1982>Vol.7-17 |
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Steel in the USSR
ISSN: 00389218
所蔵情報: |
7 |
Materials Transactions JIM
ISSN: 09161821
所蔵情報: |
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Transactions of the Japan Institute of Metals
ISSN: 00214434
所蔵情報: |
9 |
Ironmaking and Steelmaking
ISSN: 03019233
所蔵情報: |
10 |
Journal of the Institute of Metals
ISSN: 00202975
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