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1 Charge transfer/electronic structure of alloys : twin symposium sponsored by the Committee on Alloy Phases of the Institute of Metals, May 1973, at the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia 冊子体
所蔵情報ID 図書館 本棚 請求記号 貸出状態
201746 千現 単行書4 画像 539|B|5944 在架(利用可能)
2 Alloying behavior and effects in concentrated solid solutions : based on a symposium sponsored by the Alloy Phases Committee of the Chemistry and Physics of Metals Committee of Metals Division, the Metallurgical Society and the American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical, and Petroleum Engineers 冊子体
所蔵情報ID 図書館 本棚 請求記号 貸出状態
205929 千現 単行書13 画像 669|M|3609 在架(利用可能)
3 Alloying behavior and effects in concentrated solid solutions : based on a symposium sponsored by the Alloy Phases Committee of the Chemistry and Physics of Metals Committee of Metals Division, the Metallurgical Society and the American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical, and Petroleum Engineers 冊子体
所蔵情報ID 図書館 本棚 請求記号 貸出状態
207994 千現 単行書13 画像 669|M|2987 在架(利用可能)
4 Alloying behavior and effects in concentrated solid solutions : based on a symposium sponsored by the Alloy Phases Committee of the Chemistry and Physics of Metals Committee of Metals Division, the Metallurgical Society and the American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical, and Petroleum Engineers 冊子体
所蔵情報ID 図書館 本棚 請求記号 貸出状態
205830 千現 単行書13 画像 669|M|2960 在架(利用可能)
5 Twinning in advanced materials : Proceedings of a symposium sponsored by the Chemistry and Physics of Materials Committee and the Alloy Phase Committee of TMS Technical Divisions ( EMPMD and SMD ) at the 1993 Materials Week, October 18-20, 1993, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 冊子体
所蔵情報ID 図書館 本棚 請求記号 貸出状態
216488 千現 単行書8 画像 548|Y|9513 在架(利用可能)
6 Twinning in advanced materials : Proceedings of a symposium sponsored by the Chemistry and Physics of Materials Committee and the Alloy Phase Committee of TMS Technical Divisions ( EMPMD and SMD ) at the 1993 Materials Week, October 18-20, 1993, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 冊子体
所蔵情報ID 図書館 本棚 請求記号 貸出状態
216896 千現 単行書8 画像 548|Y|9838 在架(利用可能)
7 High-temperature alloys : theory and design : proceedings of a conference 冊子体
所蔵情報ID 図書館 本棚 請求記号 貸出状態
209092 千現 単行書13 画像 669|S|7972 在架(利用可能)
8 Theory of alloy phase formation : proceedings of a symposium sponsored by the TMS-AIME Alloy Phases Committee and the Chemistry and Physics of Metals Committee at the 108th AIME Annual Meeting, New Orleans, La., February 19-20, 1979 冊子体
所蔵情報ID 図書館 本棚 請求記号 貸出状態
207551 千現 単行書4 画像 539|B|6983 在架(利用可能)
